donderdag 15 februari 2018

Linux portable wifi guitar amp on an orange pi zero


The problem

I have an electric guitar laying around as well as a cheap vox amp.  The problem with this is:

- The amp I have now has limited effects
- To avoid making too much noise during practicing I would like to use my wireless headset 
   The vox amp I have obviously allows a jack out to a wired headset, but that gives me two cables to the amp!

I have been playing around with little linux devboards (like the raspberry pi) for quite a while, and figured it must be possible to do –some- sort of amp emulation onto it. So I head out for a little project.

The solution

And behold, a wifi-connected linux arm box in my pants, serving as portable amp + wireless transmitter

You can download the full SD card image for the hardware here.
Just flash it, and use the same hardware as I did, and it will work! (password root:guitar , wifipassword: guitarguitar)
Surf though your favorite webbrowser to and control all your virtual amp settings!

In case you are interested in all the details of the project, continue scrolling:)

The build and how-to

Step 1: Getting the basic hardware and software up and running

The guitar

You obviously need an electric guitar. For the audio output, I have simple converter to 3.5mm to connect to my linux box.

The linux board

For the hardware I bumped into an article from cnx software ( showing a nice case for the orange pi zero along with an expansion board for some more USB stuff. It is small, has a powerful processor, enough USB ports, onboard wifi, and is very cheap (18$). Sure, a raspberry 3 would have done the trick too for a bit more money, but I thought I’d give this one a try now.

This is a small overview from :

When shipped along with the expansionboard and  case, it looks like this:

 An extra sound card

Even though the expansion board has a jack out, it does not offer jack-in. That’s sort of required to get the guitar sound inside of the processor. 2$ (!) gets you this USB sound card which will do just fine :

My wireless headset

This I had already (A Logitech H600), and use it mostly for my laptop. I’m very happy with it. It interfaces towards linux as just another USB sound card. Any other wireless headset will do, as long as it has linux drivers for it.

A power bank

To avoid having to be connected to the grid for power, I just use a 2A power bank, like this:

Everything together:

Step 2: Running linux amp software

Jackd and guitarix

I did not know this until I started this project, but as it turns out some people already have been working hard at exactly what I was searching for. The main project is called guitarix, and it uses the low latency jackd as backend.

Please do check out their amazing work at
They basically aim at running the software on a desktop pc, and using their graphical interface:

Together with jackd (qjackctl screenshot above) you can quite quickly turn a PC with a basic sound card (e.g microphone in and headphones out) into a guitar amp with loads of effects!

I would really recommend trying this out. You just need to download a liveCD. I used the one they recommend (AV linux); and tried it on my laptop. And it worked!

I also got it to work with my headset, however I did need to set a samplerate of 48000 (instead of 44100, since the audio driver from my headset did not support that rate)

Running it on the orange pi

So far so good, I had the setup running on a PC. Now I just had to do the same thing on a smaller pc. Simple right?

Operating system

Where raspberry pi’s have a debian based distro called raspbian, these “other arm boards”  also have a distro backing them called “armbian”. It’s pretty cool, and worth checking out at

I just downloaded the “stable” version, flashed it on an SD card, and ran it. It works. Just connected to Ethernet, let DHCP do its job, and log in

ogin as: root
root@'s password:
  ___                               ____  _   _____
 / _ \ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  |  _ \(_) |__  /___ _ __ ___
| | | | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_) | |   / // _ \ '__/ _ \
| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  __/| |  / /|  __/ | | (_) |
 \___/|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___| |_|   |_| /____\___|_|  \___/

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.35 user-built Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 4.14.8-rt9-sunxi
System load:   0.17 0.21 0.18   Up time:       11 min           Local users:   2
Memory usage:  23 % of 493MB    IP:  
CPU temp:      56°C
Usage of /:    14% of 15G

Last login:

Armbian also comes with a handy tool called armbian-config, which does the hard work for you to set up the wifi chip as APmode:

Once that’s done, we can continue with installing jackd and guitarix

apt-get install jackd qjackctl guitarix

Trying Jackd

So, how do we run jackd? On the liveCD, I used qjackctl to configure it. However, the orange pi zero has no HDMI output, so running graphical applications is not trivial.

I installed Xming ( ). This very cool piece of software runs an X server on windows. (If you run linux natively, you can of course skip this step, since you are most likely already running an X server)

Once that’s done, you can just start an SSH session with X-forwarding. If you run linux natively, this is just doing ssh –X root@IPADDRESS. In my case, I set up putty on windows do to the trick.

Once qjackctl ran, I tried to simply loop the audio from the input (microphone) to my headset (stereo). By clicking connections, you can do this. Note again that I had to match the samplerate to 48000 to make it work.

If I did change the frame size lower (to reduce latency) I did run into quite a lot of issues of xruns and hang-ups of jackd, which I addressed in the following steps. But at least now already the basic concept worked!

Trying guitarix

With jackd running, I tried running guitarix.


Even though there is still a huge delay, you can now use all the effects of guitarix on the mini PC!!

Step 3: Running guitarix headless (without x server)

A headless read-only system

Even though the proof of concept worked, I still needed X-forwarding to run guitarix. The end goal is of course is to run the deamons without any screen attached, just a boot. Moreover, one way or another, SD cards will let you down eventually when you use them as a rw filesystem. But as long as you use them read-only, it just works. And you can unplug the  device at any point in time, without ever having to worry about filesystem corruption.

Making jackd and guitarix run in a read-only headless environment wasn’t exactly trivial. But some googling and hands-on testing got me there.

Headless jackd

Since the jackd installed by the debian package was built with dbus, it does not like starting without any X-related dbus stuff apparently. But, there is a simple hack around this:

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket

/usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -r48000 -p256 -D -Chw:Device,0 -Phw:Headset,0  &

Jackd did not have any issue not being able to write to the filesystem, so read-only mode worked just fine.

Headless guitarix

Guitarix needs the bash home variable in order to try and find the config. If I try to run a script from rc.local for example, this is not set. Hence, the following is needed:

export HOME=/root

Guitarix also really does not like read-only filesystems. It tries to write some config every time it starts, and if it fails, it gives up. So basically what I quickly came up with, is to mount a tmpfs in the guitarix directory, which is rw. The changes will be lost, but that’s fine by me. I tarred the current config of guitarix which I found nice, and made sure it was restored each boot.

mount -t tmpfs none /root/.config/guitarix/
mount -t tmpfs none /var/lib/misc/
cp /root/guitarixconf.tar /root/.config/guitarix/
cd /root/.config/guitarix/
tar xf guitarixconf.tar
guitarix -i system:capture_1 -o system:playback_1  -o system:playback_2 -b E:1 -nogui &

 Controlling guitarix through wifi

I now had the system booting directly into a mode where the linux amp kicked in, but what if I wanted to change a setting? Like the gain, effects, etc.

Turns out guitarix has a JSON-API and a python webserver with a basic webinterface to do just that!

Just start the python program after starting guitarix, and navigate to the website. Ideal for surfing to on your smartphone to control the device!

cd /root/guitarix-webui/guitarix-webui-0.34.0/websockify/
python --web=../webui '*':8000 localhost:7000

To allow using a smartphone to connect wirelessly to the box, you can configure a wireless hotspot on the zero. The armbian has a nice tool (like rpi-config) that allows you to set this up. If you want to do it manually, just configure hostapd and dnsmasq appropriately, and let linux take care of the magic.

Step 4: Reducing latency with a realtime kernel

I basically did step 2 and 3 in about one evening. Getting the latency down took more than double of the time, but was also a pretty cool investigation.

As every line of the jackd or guitarix documentation says, you should run this on a real-time kernel. The armbian image I downloaded did not run this, hence the issues when trying to go to lower delays. So, up to recompiling a new kernel!

RT-linux patching

In contrast to the raspberry pi, the linux kernel support for the orange pi (sunxi) is rather shady. Especially if you want the video acceleration, you basically are forced to stay at an old 3.x kernel, which is again different from mainline

This is important, since in order to get real good real-time performance, you should use 1) a recent kernel, and 2) apply the RT patch (

There is a topic on armbian which covered this:

People reported good results by trying a current mainline in the armbian build tool and applying the RT-patch. So I set out to do the same.

Building a new kernel

Turns out that building a kernel for armbian is pretty easy. Just follow

git clone --depth 1
cd build
You get a nice menu that allows you to select which kernel to build, allows you to change kernel options etc.
It does automatically apply a set of patches in the folder “userpatches”

Building a specific kernel with the RT patch

At the time of writing, the latest mainline kernel with an RT patch was 4.18.8-RT9

I downloaded the patch, and placed it into the appropriate directory:

ls userpatches/kernel/sunxi-next/

Then I did not immediately find a way to specify to the build tool to fetch a specific tag of the linux kernel (instead of default to the very latest) Doing a small patch was the fastest way I got it working. :

diff --git a/config/sources/ b/config/sources/
index 4fc872f..aae8829 100644
--- a/config/sources/
+++ b/config/sources/
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ case $BRANCH in

-       KERNELBRANCH='branch:linux-4.14.y'
+       #KERNELBRANCH='branch:linux-4.14.y'
+       KERNELBRANCH='tag:v4.14.8'


(Note that I used the following tag of the armbian build repo: 9531d1bc7ecd0f468e29e402ba00cbc7b7dd683f)

After running another, and enabling the correct options in the linux kernel menu (PREEMPT_RT_FULL), this gives a new uboot and new kernel debian packages.

These can just be uploaded and installed on the target. A new reboot and you are running a very fresh, very fast recent linux kernel!

Fixing fixed frequency for effective RT behavior

A good program to test the RT behavior is cyclic test. The output looks somewhat like this:

Linux orangepizero 4.14.8-rt9-sunxi #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Sat Jan 6 14:36:31 CET 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
/root/rt-tests/cyclictest -p 80 -t5 –n
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.85 0.49 0.22 4/168 3083

T: 0 ( 3079) P:80 I:1000 C:   3297 Min:      8 Act:   17 Avg:   16 Max:      66
T: 1 ( 3080) P:80 I:1500 C:   2198 Min:      8 Act:   24 Avg:   15 Max:      50
T: 2 ( 3081) P:80 I:2000 C:   1648 Min:      8 Act:   11 Avg:   16 Max:      60
T: 3 ( 3082) P:80 I:2500 C:   1318 Min:      8 Act:   12 Avg:   15 Max:      44
T: 4 ( 3083) P:80 I:3000 C:   1098 Min:      9 Act:   17 Avg:   18 Max:      57

You should make sure the maximum latency stays below 100 at least
In my first attempts with my newly compiled kernel, this hit 3000+ regularly! Meaning the RT patch clearly was not effective. Turned out a bit more work was needed

CPU Frequency Scaling Govenor

Apparently, to save power and dynamically adjust cpu frequency, the linux cpu governor regularly changed frequency, and this had a very bad effect on the RT behavior. When forcing the governor to performance mode or userspace mode, I suddenly got much better results!

echo userspace > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor
echo 960000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_min_freq
echo 960000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_setspeed

Forcing fixed frequency

You’d think that that was the end of it, and so did I. Strangely enough, even when forcing the governor to a fixed frequency, the linux kernel –still- once in a while (like after a minute, depending on jackd realtime settings) shifted frequency, causing massive spikes in latency, and freaking out jackd. After investigating the kernel a bit further, it seems that it has some sort of protection that it will force to a lower operating point (OPP) regardless of the governor, to avoid any damage to the CPU whatsoever. Even though that sounds like a nice feature, the CPU can handle this load just fine, and this just messes up the real-time behavior.

The final fix that I needed to do to get consistently good RT performance, was to remove all other operation points from the device tree! You can simply decompile the devicetree and recompile it using the DTC tool like so:

dtc  -I dtb -O dts sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dtb > sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dts
dtc -I dts  -O dtb sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dts > sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dtb

Once in the dts format, you just locate the operating points, and only leave in the 960Mhz.

And success! Cyclic test keeps running forever without any spikes!

root@orangepizero:~# uname -a
Linux orangepizero 4.14.8-rt9-sunxi #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Sat Jan 6 14:36:31 CET 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
/root/rt-tests/cyclictest -p 80 -t5 –n
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.85 0.49 0.22 4/168 3083

T: 0 ( 3079) P:80 I:1000 C:   3297 Min:      8 Act:   17 Avg:   16 Max:      66
T: 1 ( 3080) P:80 I:1500 C:   2198 Min:      8 Act:   24 Avg:   15 Max:      50
T: 2 ( 3081) P:80 I:2000 C:   1648 Min:      8 Act:   11 Avg:   16 Max:      60
T: 3 ( 3082) P:80 I:2500 C:   1318 Min:      8 Act:   12 Avg:   15 Max:      44
T: 4 ( 3083) P:80 I:3000 C:   1098 Min:      9 Act:   17 Avg:   18 Max:      57

Important sidenote of fixed OPP

One important sidenote of using a fixed opp, is that in very heavy load, the cpu actually becomes so warm that the linux kernel (having no other option since we removed the other OPPs) decides to reboot the device! I only saw this ever happening when running a parallel compilation on all 4 cores though. When just using it with guitarix/webstuff, I never got it to crash so far:) You can also just lower the frequency or go save with a heatsink of course if you’d want to.

Patching jackd to deal with latency spikes

While investigating the RT issues with the linux kernel, I also noticed that jackd really got completely messed up when it received a bit latency spike. Instead of noting an XRUN and just recovering, it never did recover. I always then had to kill the process with the SIGKILL, and restart it. Even though that works, it is really slow and requires manual action. Surely there must be a better way?

And there is. Turns out there was a bug in the jackd alsa driver when coping with xruns

In the function alsa_driver_xrun_recovery, the linux driver is not told to again reset its buffers to a sane position upon overrun. As a result, after a recovery, immediately another overrun can occur. To fix this, I just had to trigger a recovery (snd_pcm_prepare) after an actual xrun was detected:

if (snd_pcm_status_get_state(status) == SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN && driver->process_count > XRUN_REPORT_DELAY) {
       struct timeval now, diff, tstamp;
       snd_pcm_status_get_trigger_tstamp(status, &tstamp);
       timersub(&now, &tstamp, &diff);
       *delayed_usecs = diff.tv_sec * 1000000.0 + diff.tv_usec;
       jack_log("**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least %.3f msecs",*delayed_usecs / 1000.0);
       if (driver->capture_handle) {
           if ((res = snd_pcm_prepare(driver->capture_handle)) < 0) {
               jack_error("error preparing after xrun: %s", snd_strerror(res));
       } else {
           if ((res = snd_pcm_prepare(driver->playback_handle)) < 0) {
                   jack_error("error preparing after xrun: %s", snd_strerror(res));

I downloaded the source using apt-get source, and built it again with debuild –us –uc, and installed it locally. And voila, a working system!


This was a cool project, which hadn't been possible for the awesome open source community that provided many of the tools and toys to make this possible. 

Linux rocks:)